“A deep cry. This tone in my throat thinly drags in a song so ancint, eternal and melancholic. It’s a death’s screaming for its silence, a call from the depth, a quiet spasm and colossal consolation.”
A Gaze is a foreground to Tony and Brendan questioning issues of masculinity, the deep bond between them that developed through the theme of their fathers’ deaths, and their creative practice together as dancers with a 20-year age difference.
From a deep sense of touch with ours eyes wide open, we gaze into a moment of undeniable truth; and from the deep sense of physical touch. ‘a gaze’ is a tangent from Brendan and Tony’s on-going morphing series of Dionysus’s Molecule.

The "Passage" is a site-specific theatre installation piece that was performed in Malacca, Malaysia. it features Luca Romani and Brendan O Connor. with Brandon Cassidy and Reuben Lewis as musicans. The overtone of the piece comes from Brendan’s and Luca s shared experience of emigrating to Australia and also the death of their fathers. In abstraction they have found ways to cope, continue and express them selves through this life changing rites of Passage”

The main aim underlying my proposal is to develop a choreography to induce the sense of a reverse vertigo – a falling backwards, gazing upwards; following the theme of love from last major solo, Rasa Sayang. ‘Falling’ within the realms of love suggest embodied psychophysical and emotional states.
The choreographic approach takes my contemporary trance praxis as a foundation to the concept of reverse vertigo, to a second sense of falling, levitation, suspension, ascension and decent. The project will involve a visual artist as designer, Shaun Duggan, musician, Reuben Lewis.

“A deep cry. This tone in my throat thinly drags in a song so ancint, eternal and melancholic. It’s a death’s screaming for its silence, a call from the depth, a quiet spasm and colossal consolation.”
A Gaze is a foreground to Tony and Brendan questioning issues of masculinity, the deep bond between them that developed through the theme of their fathers’ deaths, and their creative practice together as dancers with a 20-year age difference.
From a deep sense of touch with ours eyes wide open, we gaze into a moment of undeniable truth; and from the deep sense of physical touch. ‘a gaze’ is a tangent from Brendan and Tony’s on-going morphing series of Dionysus’s Molecule.

The main aim underlying my proposal is to develop a choreography to induce the sense of a reverse vertigo – a falling backwards, gazing upwards; following the theme of love from last major solo, Rasa Sayang. ‘Falling’ within the realms of love suggest embodied psychophysical and emotional states. The choreographic approach takes my contemporary trance praxis as a foundation to the concept of reverse vertigo, to a second sense of falling, levitation, suspension, ascension and decent. The project will involve a visual artist as designer, Shaun Duggan, musician, Reuben Lewis.